Learn how to make your own glass jewelry

in my one-day glass workshop

von der glasflamme angestrahlte Hände einer Teilnehmerin des colorano Glasperlen-Workshops

Making your own glass beads is totally fascinating and creative! You can use the beads to make your personal cell phone pendant or key ring and of course to make your own pieces of jewelry.

In my one-day course you will learn how to make charming glass beads. At the end of the workshop you will have made a handful of your own beads!

During the course each participant will have an own workplace including all required tools and glass rods. This allows each participant to learn and make glass beads at their own pace. No previous knowledge required.

Having fun in my workshops teaching how to make glass beads

Photo: Making glass beads is a lot of fun

Are you interested in this course yourself or are you looking for a unique birthday present or Christmas present?

I would be happy to send you detailed course information (dates, cost etc.) by email. Please just send me an email to workshop@colorano.de

projektraum für den glasperlen workshop mit rheinblick in der jugendherberge speyer

Photo: My usual course room with a spectacular view of the Rhine in Speyer

drei farbige Glasperlen in der Hand
glasperlen werke aus einem eintageskurs

Photos: Beautiful glass beads made in my one-day course

abschluß der Seite dargestellt mit einer Kette von handgemachten glasobjekten